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Early medieval double-edged swords from the territory of Bulgaria (800 – 1100)

Introduction In the following work, I want to focus on the revision of all swords and their construction elements, including the scabbard chapes from the territory of Bulgaria, dated to the period of the 9th to the 11th century. The list includes swords that can be classified in Petersen and Geibig’s classifications and scabbard chapes […]

Spade medievale timpurii de pe teritoriul României (secolele IX-XI)

Introducere Spadele medievale timpurii de pe teritoriul României actuale aparțin unui subiect adeseori trecut cu vederea căruia nu i se acordă o atenție semnificativă nici măcar în literatura de specialitate. Drept urmare, am decis să scriu articolul de față pentru a face acest subiect ceva mai cunoscut. Ambiția mea nu este să scriu o lucrare […]

Typology of Fire Strikers From the Viking Age Sweden and Gotland

The following article is a continuation of the two previous ones, in which the author Tomáš Vlasatý maps the typology of strikers from the territory of Viking Age Norway (Typology of Fire Strikers From the Viking Age Norway) and Denmark (Typology of Fire Strikers From the Viking Age Denmark). The catalog compiled below presents a […]

Early medieval swords from the territory of Romania (8th-11th century)

Introduction Early medieval swords from the territory of Romania belong to a relatively often overlooked topic and significant attention is not paid to it even in the academic literature. For this reason, I decided to write a short article to make this topic more widely known. My ambition is not to write a professional academic […]

The sword pommel from Păcuiul lui Soare

Păcuiul lui Soare is the name of an island in the locality of Ostrov, in the county of Constanța, in the south of Romania, near the border with Bulgaria. In these places in the Middle Ages a fortress stood, which was built in the years 971 – 972 by Byzantines. It was to serve as […]