Recently, I have been asked if there is any list of Migration Period swords whose pommel is equipped with a ring (also called ringed swords, Ringschwert), an interesting phenomenon from the 5th-7th centuries. List of up to 80 pieces can be found in the literature (Evison 1967; Steuer 1987; Vasilev 2018 and others). Although I deal primarily with militaria from another period, I created a catalog and map of currently known finds. In the catalog that includes 119 pieces, I gathered complete swords, separate pommels and rings that are interpreted as pommel remains. I did not differentiate material or typology in the catalog entries. The attached map indicates the distribution among the Germanic tribes, particularly the Franks, Saxons, Anglo-Saxons, Alemanns, Lombards, and Scandinavians.
Typology of the rings mounted on Migration period sword pommels. Vasilev 2018: Fig. 1.
The catalog in the Excel spreadsheet can be downloaded by clicking at the following button:
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