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Overview of Great Moravian lunulae

In the Slavic territories of the early Middle Ages, jewelry, which in today’s literature is called lunula or lunica, gained a significant popularity. In order not to be overwhelmed by only a few models that are distributed by e-shops, I decided to publish a selection of Great Moravian lunulae, from which a potential enthusiast could inform […]

Craftsmen #5

Zdravím Vás, přátelé! V pátém dílu série o řemeslnících si představíme jednoho z nejzručnějších šperkařů, kteří se věnují raně středověkému šperku – slovenského reenactora Pavla Francúza, který má s výrobou šperků více než dvacetiletou zkušenost. Jeho výrobky, které zdobí mnoho slovenských muzeí, jsou mezi československými reenactory vyhlášené pro svou věrohodnost a vysokou kvalitu zpracování. Greetings, […]

Possible function of the “Perun Axes”

In this article we shall focus on Early Middle Ages axe miniatures, so called “Perun’s Axe”, which have recently come to a great attention from reenactors and neo-Pagans. We will attempt to outline key sources of information and will reflect upon possible function of the symbol, which sure will bring a lot of controversy. It […]

Origins of “kolovrat” symbol

Over more than a decade, during which I have been intensively interested in studying the Early Middle Ages, I have sought to uncover disinformations and set straight mystifications that has been created and used by both laymen and professional public. After all, one of the main points of creating this website was to set up […]