Origins of the “St. Wenceslas Helmet”
In December 2016, an extraordinary sword of Petersen’s type S, known for its rich decoration, was found in Lázně Toušeň in Central Bohemia. Although swords of the type were found in locations ranging from Ireland to Russia, this specific piece is the very first example from the Czech Republic. Thanks to my cooperation with Jiří […]
O Elmo de Gjermundbu
Esta é uma tradução autorizada de um artigo publicado por Tomáš Vlasatý, colega historiador e recriacionista histórico da República Tcheca, mentor do projeto Forlǫg e membro do grupo Marobud. Você pode apoiar o autor através de seu perfil no site Patreon. Em 30 de março de 1943, a Universidade de Oldsaksamling, em Oslo, obteve informações de que um fazendeiro chamado Lars […]
The helmet from Gjermundbu
On March 30 1943, Universitetets Oldsaksamling in Oslo gained the information that a farmer named Lars Gjermundbo found and dug into a huge mound on his land near the farm of Gjermundbu, Buskerud county, southern Norway. The place was examined by archaeologists (Marstrander and Blindheim) the next month and the result was really fascinating. The mound was […]
Scandinavian helmets of the 10th century
In this article, we will have a short look at evidences of helmets used in Scandinavia during the 10th century. Pictures of modern replicas are added as well. Spectacle helmets: Gnëzdovo Gjermundbu Tjele Kyiv Nasal helmets: Middleton Prague Unknown types: Lokrume Birka Russian helmets in Scandinavia: Birka Conclusion Bibliography Spectacle helmets Gnëzdovo Object, context A head on the […]