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Top 100 works on the mound of Gokstad


The bibliography attached below is the author’s selection of the hundred most important titles related to the mound of Gokstad, excavated in 1880. Our list includes the vast majority of published literature on this incredible find from the turn of 9th and 10th century. From this bibliography you can further explore Top 200 works on 9th-11th Norway and you might also be interested in our list of literature on the mound from Oseberg. If you are interested in the mentioned or any other work, do not hesitate to contact us.

The mound of Gokstad. Source: Løkken 2014: 71-2.

Andersen, Magnus (1895). Vikingfærden, Kristiania.

Bakken, Asbjørn (1959). Gokstadfunnet 1880. Hva bygdefolk of aviser forteller. In: Vestfoldminne 1959, 25-55.

Bakken, Asbjørn (1959). Kongshaugen på Gokstad, Sandefjord.

Bertheussen, Carl (1958). Ei gåta frå Gokstadskipet. In: Viking 21/22, 165-174.

Bill, Jan (2013). Revisiting Gokstad. Interdisciplinary investigations of a find complex investigated in the 19th century: In: Brather, Sebastian – Krausse, Dirk (eds.). Fundmassen. Innovative Strategien zur Auswertung frühmittelalterlicher Quellenbestände, Darmstadt, 75–86.

Bill, Jan – Daly, Aoife (2012). The plundering of the ship graves from Oseberg and Gokstad: an example of power politics? In: Antiquity 86, 333, 808-824.

Bill, Jan – Gjerde, H. S. (2023). Returning to Gokstad: The Art and Science of the Archaeological Revisit, Aarhus.

Bill, Jan – Rødsrud, Ch. L. (2013). En ny markeds-og produksjonsplass ved Gokstad i Vestfold. In: Nicolay 120, 5–12.

Bill, J. – Fahre, L. – Gansum, T. (2008). Levd liv. En utstilling om skjelettene fra Oseberg og Gokstad, Oslo.

Bill, Jan et al. (2013). Contextualising a Monumental Burial – The Gokstad Revitalised Project. In Neubauer, Wolfgang et al. (eds.). Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Vienna, 134–136.

Bonde, Niels (1994). De norske vikingeskibsgraves alder. Et vellykket norsk-dansk forskningsprojekt. In: Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark, 128-147.

Bonde, Niels (1997). Dendrochronological Dating of the Viking Age Ship Burials at Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune, Norway. In: Sinclair, A. – Slater, E. – Gavlett, J. (eds.). Archaeological Studies 1995: Proceedings of a Conference on the Application of Scientific Techniques to the Study of Archaeology, Oxbow, 195-200.

Bonde, Niels – Christensen, A. E. (1993). Dendrochronological dating of the Viking Age ship burials at Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune, Norway. In: Antiquity 67, 256, 575–583.

Bonde, Nils – Christensen, A. E. (1993). Dendrokronologisk datering af tømmer fra gravkamrene i Oseberg, Gokstad og Tune. In: Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Årbok 1991/92, 153-160.

Brøgger, A. W. – Falk, H. – Schetelig, H. (1917). Osebergfundet I, Kristiania.

Brøgger, A. W. – Shetelig, Haakon (1951). The Viking Ships. Their Ancestry and Evolution, Oslo.

Cannell, Rebecca (2012). Archaeological lnvestigation of the Gokstad Mound 2011. Gokstad Revitalised. Gokstad nedre, 48/30, Sandefjord, Vestfold, Oslo.

Cannell, R. J. S. (2021). Ship Mounds Matter: The Referential Qualities of Earth-Sourced Materials in Viking Ship Mounds. In: European Journal of Archaeology 24, 3, 1-21.

Cannell, R. J. S. – Bill, J. – Macphail, R. (2020). Constructing and deconstructing the Gokstad mound. In: Antiquity 94, 377, 1278–1295.

Cottell, G. A. (1984). The Gokstad Viking ship: some new theories concerning the purpose of its constructional features. In: The mariner’s mirror 70, 129-142.

Crumlin-Pedersen, Ole et al. (2002). The Skuldelev Ships I. Topography, Archaeology, History, Conservation and Display, Roskilde.

Damman, Werner (1983). Das Gokstadschiff und seine Boote, Hildesheim.

Dobat, A. S. (2015). Viking stranger-kings: the foreign as a source of power in Viking Age Scandinavia, or, why there was a peacock in the Gokstad ship burial? In: Early Medieval Europe 23, 2, 161-201.

Englert, Anton (2014). Opening up the Northern Seas: the Gokstad ship. In: Sindbæk, S. M. – Trakadas, Athena (eds.). The world in the Viking Age, Roskilde, 30-31.

Falk, Hjalmar (1912). Altnordisches Seewesen, Heidelberg.

Frost, Tore (1997). Gokstadhøvdingen og hans tid, Sandefjord.

Fuglesang, S. H. (1982). Early Viking art. In: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia II, Roma, 125–173.

Gansum, Terje (1997). Jernaldermonumenter og maktstrukturer. Vestfold som konfliktarena. In: Fuglestvedt, Ingrid – Myhre, Bjørn (eds.). Konflikt i forhistorien, Stavanger, 27-40.

Gansum, Tejre (1997). Flere funn fra Gokstad. In: Nicolay 71, 28-34.

Gansum, Terje (1997). Flere funn fra Gokstad : en kystnær bosetting fra vikingtid. In: Kulturminner / Sandar historielag, Sandefjord.

Gansum, Terje (2004). Hauger som konstruksjoner: arkeologiske forventninger gjennom 200 år, Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.

Gansum, Terje (2016). The reopening of the Oseberg mound and the Gokstad mound. In: Andersson, Gunnar (ed.). We call them Vikings, Stockholm, 120-127.

Gansum, Terje (2018). The royal Viking Age ship grave from Gokstad in Vestfold, eastern Norway, and its link to falconry. In: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz – Grimm, Oliver (eds.). Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale 1/2, Kiel – Hamburg, 717-726.

Gansum, T. – Holck, P. – Wangen, V. (2008). Ny viten om Gokstad-høvdingen. In: Kulturminner / Sandar historielag, Sandefjord.

Gjessing, Gutorm (1941). Båtfunnene fra Bårset og Øksnes : to nordnorske jernaldersfunn, Oslo.

Gjessing, Gutorm (1957). Vikingeskipsfunnene, Oslo.

Grieg, Sigurd (1937). Gravkamrene fra Oseberg og Gokstad. In: Viking 1, 75-136.

Hagen, Anders (1969). The Viking Ship Finds, Oslo.

Hammers, Neeke (2014). Archaeobotanical analysis of the Viking Age site Heimdalsjordet, Gokstad, Norway: A comparative study to species compositions and differences in preservation in south Scandinavia during the Viking Age, Umeå: Umeå University.

Hansen, J. I. – Bjerva, K. G. (1994). Fra hammer til kors. 1000 år med kristendom. Brytningstid i Viken, Oslo.

Hem Eriksen, Marianne (2014). Viking Worlds: Things, Spaces and Movement, Oxford – Philadelphia.

Hinsch, Erik (1958). Gokstadhøvdingens jaktransel? In: Viking 21/22, 175–201.

Hjardar, Kim – Vike, Vegard (2016). Vikings at War, Oxford – Philadelphia.

Holck, Per (2008). Skjelettet fra Gokstadskipet – ny vurdering av gammelt funn. In: Michael 2008, 5, 292–304.

Holck, Per (2009). The Skeleton from the Gokstad Ship: New Evaluation of an Old Find. In: Norwegian Archaeological Review 42, 1, 40-49.

Holck, Per (2009). Skjelettene fra Gokstad- og Osebergskipet. Antropologiske skrifter 8, Oslo.

Hougen, Bjørn (1934). Studier i Gokstadfunnet. In: Universitetets Oldsaksamling Årbog 5 1931-1932, 74-112.

Hougen, Bjørn (1973). Gulltråd Fra Gokstadfunnet. Et Fragment. In: Sarvas, P. – Kivikoski, E. – Siiriäinen, A. (eds.). Honos Ella Kivikoski, Helsinki, 75–81.

Hov, Kjellhaug (1990). Miljøet rundt Gokstadhaugen. In: Nicolay 54, 2, 20-23.

Christensen, A. E. (1959). Færingen fra Gokstad. In: Viking 23, 57–70.

Christensen, A. E. (1966). Frå vikingskip til motorsnekke, Oslo.

Christensen, A. E. (1976). The Gokstad faering replica. In: The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 5, 275–278.

Christensen, A. E. (1979). Gokstadskipets dekorative utstyr. In: Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Årbok 1979, 145-149

Ingstad, A. S. (1988). Textiles from Oseberg, Gokstad and Kaupang. In: Bender Jørgensen, L. – Magnus, B. -Munksgaard, E. (eds.). Archaeological Textiles: 2nd NESAT Symposium; København, 133-148.

Johannessen, Frederik (1940). Båtene fra Gokstadskipet. In: Viking 4, 125-130.

Jørgensen, L. B. (1986). Forhistoriske Textiler i Skandinavien – Prehistoric Scandinavian Textiles, København.

Klevnäs, A. M. (2016). ‘Imbued with the Essence of the Owner’: Personhood and Possessions in the Reopening and Reworking of Viking-Age Burials. In: European Journal of Archaeology 19, 3, 456–476.

Lie, R. O. (2016). Gokstad- og Oseberghaugen i fugleperspektiv. In: Kulturminner / Sandar historielag, Sandefjord.

Løkken, Kjersti (2014). Vestfold ship burials, Oslo.

Łucejko, J. J. – Vedeler, M. – Degano, I. (2021). Textile Dyes from Gokstad Viking Ship’s Grave. In: Heritage 2021, 4, 2278–2286.

Macphail, Richard et al. (2013). Integrated microstratigraphic investigations of coastal archaeological soils and sediments in Norway: the Gokstad ship burial mound and its environs including the Viking harbour settlement of Heimdaljordet, Vestfold. In: Quaternary International 315, 131–146.

Marstrander, Lyder (1979). Gokstadfunnet – 100 år. In: Vestfoldminne 1979, 3-10.

Marstrander, Sverre (1986). De skjulte Skipene. Tuneskipet, Gokstadskipet og Osebergskipet, Oslo.

McGrail, Sean – McKee, Eric (1974). The building and trials of the replica of an ancient boat: The Gokstad faering I-II, Greenwich.

Møller, Vilhelm (1979). Da Olav Geirstadalv ble gravlagt for andre gang: et 50-års minne. Vestfoldminne 1979, 19-24.

Müller-Wille, Michael (1968-1969). Bestattung im Boot. Studien zu einer nordeuropäischen Grabsitte. In: Offa 25/26, 1-203

Müller-Wille, Michael (1995). Boat graves, old and new views. In: Crumlin-Pedersen, Ole – Munch Thye, Birgitte (eds.). The Ship as Symbol in Prehistoric and Medieval Scandinavia, Copenhagen, 101-109.

Müller-Wille, Michael (2001). Tierstile des 8. – 12. Jahrhunderts im Norden Europas: Dendrochronologie und kunsthistorische Einordnung. In: Müller-Wille, Michael – Larsson, Lars-Olof (eds.). Tiere, Menschen, Götter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption, Göttingen, 215-250.

Myhre, Bjørn (2015). Før Viken ble Norge : Borregravfeltet som religiøs og politisk arena, Tønsberg.

Nicolaysen, Nicolay (1882). Langskibet fra Gokstad ved Sandefjord = The Viking-ship discovered at Gokstad in Norway, Kristiania.

Odebäck, Kerstin (2021). Vikingatida sköldar. Ting, bild och text som associativt fält, Stockholm.

Paasche, Knut (2020). The Tune Viking Ship Reconsidered. In: The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 49, 1, 29–48.

Pedersen, Anne (2014). Dead Warriors in Living Memory. A study of weapon and equestrian burials in Viking-age Denmark, AD 800-1000, Copenhagen.

Pedersen, Unn (2014). Nye studier av Gokstadfunnet. In: Nicolay 122, 33-36.

Pedersen, Unn (2016). Into the Melting Pot: Non-ferrous Metalworkers in Viking-period Kaupang, Oslo.

Pedersen, Unn et al. (2016). Lead Isotope Analysis of Pewter Mounts from the Viking Ship Burial at Gokstad: on the Origin and Use of Raw Materials. In: Archaeometry 58, 148-163.

Petersen, Jan (1951). Vikingetidens Redskaper, Oslo.

Petersen, Jan (1955). Vikingetidens smykker i Norge, Stavanger.

Petersson, Bodil (2015). From replica to relic – Gokstad goes abroad. In: Larsson, Lars et al. (eds.). Small things, wide horizons : studies in honour of Birgitta Hårdh, Oxford, 275-280.

Planke, T. – Øya, S. E. – Heide, E. (2021). The Third Gokstad Boat: The Documentation and Context of a Viking Age Boat. In: International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 50, 2, 272-292.

Rabiega, Kamil – Kobylinski, Zbigniew (2015). Prehistoric and Early Medieval Boat burials in the Baltic Sea Region: 45 years after Michael Müller-Wille’s „Bestattung im Boot”. In: Choińska-Bochdan, Elżbieta et al. (eds.). The Baltic Sea – A Mediterranean of North Europe, Gdańsk, 41–50.

Rundkvist, Martin – Williams, Howard (2008). A Viking Boat Grave with Amber Gaming Pieces Excavated at Skamby, Östergötland, Sweden. In: Medieval Archaeology 52, 69-102.

Rygh, Oluf (1885). Norske oldsager, ordnede og forklarede, Christiania.

Röttinger, Dirk (2012). Wikinger und Slawen auf Rügen – Ein bronzenes Tierköpfchen im Mammen-Stil aus Natzevitz, Lkr. Vorpommern-Rügen. In: Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 59, 81–88.

Sayer, Duncan (2013). Norwegian Archaeological Review: Two Viking Ship Burials and the Transience of Situational Ethics. In: Norwegian Archaeological Review 46, 2, 9-11.

Seal, Jon (2003). Building a copy of the Gokstad Faering. In: The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 32, 2, 238-245.

Sjøvold, Thorleif (1957). Osebergfunnet og de andre vikingskipsfunn, Oslo.

Sjøvold, Thorleif (1985). Vikingeskibene i Oslo, Oslo.

Sørensen, S. A. (1902). Er “Kongshaugen” hvori Vikingeskibet blev fundet Kong Olaf Geirstad-Alfs Haug? Svar til Prof. G. Storm, Kristiania.

Thoresen, Per (1980). Kongshaugen på Gokstad. In: Kulturminner / Sandar historielag, Sandefjord.

Tollnes, R. L. (1979). Kongshaugen og forholdet til tidlig vikingtids seilled. In: Vestfoldminne 1979, 11-18.

Undset, Ingvald (1891). Kort beskrivelse af Vikingeskibet fra Gokstad Veiledning for besøgende, Christiania.

Urbanus, Jason (2014). Revisiting the Gokstad. In: Archaeology 67, 4, 34-38.

Vedeler, Marianne (2014). Silk for the Vikings, Oxford – Philadelphia.

Vedeler, Marianne (2021). Golden Textiles from Gokstad. In: Archaeological Textiles Review 63, 47-57.

Warming, R. F. (2023). The Viking Age shields from the ship burial at Gokstad: a re-examination of their construction and function. In: Arms & Armour 20/1.

Warming, R. F. et al. (2020). Shields and hide. On the use of hide in Germanic shields of the Iron Age and Viking Age. In: Germania 97, 154-225.

Wexelsen, Einar (1981). Gokstadfunnet : et 100-års minne = The Gokstad excavations : centenary of a Norwegian Viking find, Sandefjord.

Wilson, D. M. – Roesdahl, E. (1992). From Viking to Crusader: The Scandinavians and Europe, 800-1200, Uddevalla.

Wyley, S. – Robinson, W. – Joyce, S. (2021). Historical Replica Constructions in Wood and Metal. Vikings, Vol. 1, Burwood.

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